“What if’s” keep us going, keep us off-center.  I don’t think of them as good or bad, just motivators, because they build the foundation for our worries and our creativity. Charlene Dietz, Scheme Stalker

 Kirkus (Starred Review)

Named to Kirkus Best Books of 2018

In my books you’ll be deep into mystery entwined with a twist of history or be deep into history with a twist of mystery.

 Older Posts:

From the End to the Beginning: Saying Goodbye: Struggling with death is not only saying goodbye to a loved one, but knowing what used to be will never be again.

Happiness: Maybe happiness is the joy experienced in degrees and contrasted to not being happy.

Mysterious–Altruistic Children of the Amazon: Children, in many places, stretch out their little palms and beg, but not along the Amazon River in Brazil. These out-going happy ones are quick to engage and help.

Aging Fictional Protagonists: A dilemma:An online article in the WSJ on July 1, 2011, interviewed authors of crime/mystery books on their aging protagonists.  Check out how J. A. Jance, Sue Grafton, Michael Connelly, Lawrence Block, Lee Childs, and others may solve this problem. I think we need aging heroes to balance out our youth slanted society.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk-Secrets about Artists and Geniuses:  (Video glitch now corrected)  You’ll never look at your creativity in the same way again.  What a terrific remedy for dispelling that critic who nags in your head about your work.

Two TEDs every writer needs to know: One TED pours out ideas and prods you to think beyond, the other TED offers services to make your work shine.

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